Knole Settee in 'Pomegranate' for the Great Hall
Elizabethan Arm Chair, upholstered in 'Rose & Pansy'
Medieval Cruciform Table in the Dining Room
Charles I Dining Table in the Great Hall
Detail of our Charles I Dining Table
'Tree of Life' curtaining
Knole Settee and upholstered Tudor Throne

Furniture & Furnishings for Cothay Manor

Cothay Manor is one of Somerset’s finest historic houses and the Robb family have commissioned several items of furniture and fabrics from Stuart Interiors over the years.

The Manor dates back to the 14th century and is one of the finest examples of a small medieval manor in England.

More information about Cothay Manor can be found at the Cothay Manor website.

Above: Original Medieval Wall Paintings at Cothay Manor





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